Legal Notice

Design, Production and Development


10, rue Myrha
75018 Paris
Tél. + 33 (0)1 53 41 41 96

Hosted by:

2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix
09 72 10 10 07

On behalf of:

SELARL le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA »
L-8010 Strassen, 234,
Route D’Arlon, Luxembourg
Tél. : 01 45 02 60 80
Fax : 01 45 02 60 95
Directeur de la publication : Guillaume DUBOS
Responsable de la rédaction : Andrea LOPES

You are currently connected to the website of Cabinet le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA ». The user having access to this site agrees to comply with these terms of use.

Intellectual Property

None may reproduce or distribute, without authorization, any information, whether in all or in parts, available on the website. The content is made available for personal and non collective use.

Under article L. 122-5.2° and 2°a of Intellectual Property Code, only “copies or reproduction reserved strictly for the private use of the copier and not intended for collective use” on one hand, and analyses and short quotations for the purpose of providing examples and illustrations on the other hand are authorized. Thus “any complete or partial performance or reproduction made without the consent of the author or his successors in title or assigns shall be illicit” (art. L. 122-4). Any performance or reproduction, shall constitute an infringement sanctioned by articles L. 335-2 and the following of the Intellectual Property Code


In accordance with the provisions of Act 98-536 of 1 July 1998 translating in the Intellectual Property Code the directive 96/9 EC of 11 March 1996 on legal protection of data bases, le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA » produces and owns the databases, whether in all or in parts, included in the website. When accessing this website, you agree that the data included are legally protected, and in accordance with the provisions of the above mentionned Act of 1 July 1996, it is illicit to extract, re-use, store, reproduce, perform or keep directly or indirectly on whatever support, by whatever means and under any form, any qualitatively or quantitatively substantial parts of the content of the databases included in the website which you have accessed. It is illicit to extract or repetedly and systematically use quantitatively and qualitatively non substantial parts of the website when theses operations go beyond the normal terms and conditions of use.

Logo of the firm

Any use of the logo of the website is prohibited without the authorization of le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA ».


Photos 2020 Sébastien Dolidon – Photographe
Tel: +33 6 15 90 52 94 – Copyright assigned to Cabinet le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA » .

Photos 2020 Sergio Grazia – Photographe – “Litigation” picture
Tel: +33 (0)6 87 07 39 93 – Copyright assigned to Cabinet le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA » .

Methodology followed to establish the key figures:

For statistics in legal disputes: the period concerned begins in 2005, with an update at least annually: for the calculation of the success rate, for each case, only the last decision on the main claim (basically or in summary). The amount of the gains in demand is the sum of the sentences awarded to the plaintiff (or to the counterclaim), and the saving in defense is calculated by making the difference between the amount requested and the amount of the sentences awarded to the plaintiff, in accordance with the indications given in the decision, in the reminder of the parties’ requests and in the operative part. For the calculation of the number of cases, only cases which have been the subject of a consultation and / or a complaint or legal action are taken into account.

For statistics in administrative litigation: the period concerned begins in 2005, with an update at least annually: for the calculation of the success rate, for each case, only the last decision is taken into account. Is considered as a success in application, a cancellation, a total or partial revocation or revocation of the title, and a total or partial rejection of the trademark registration application.

For consulting statistics: the number of titles managed by the Firm (directly or via its network of foreign colleagues) is taken into account, with an update at least annually: only titles in force are taken into account.

“Computing and Freedoms” clause

Personal data processing

You are informed that the use of the website, such as in particular to make a contact request and / or receive the newsletter, gives rise, for le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA », to the collection and automated processing of personal data concerning you, whose use is subject to the provisions of law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to computers, files and freedoms as amended (hereinafter, “Data Protection Act”) and the European Regulation for data protection n ° 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter, “GDPR”).

Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for processing is your consent.

Data controller

The personal data thus collected are processed by le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA », as data controller.Purposes of processing

Personal data is collected for specific purposes. These data are only kept and used for the sole purpose of responding to contact requests addressed to le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA » and / or for sending the newsletter.

Personal data collected

le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA » collects several types of personal data through the website:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • E-mail adress

The duration of the conversation

The personal data processed is intended for le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA » as well as its possible service providers, in particular the website host, for the purposes of providing the services.

Hosting of personal data

le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA » stores personal data within the European Union.

Your rights

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR, you have the right to access, limit, rectify, portability, oppose and delete personal data concerning you. Finally, you have the right to define guidelines defining the manner in which you intend to exercise these rights after your death.

You can exercise these rights by sending a letter to le GEIE in the process of being created « UPCLA » (L-8010 Strassen, 234, Route D’Arlon, Luxembourg) or an email to and attaching a double-sided copy of your document. identity, or any other means to justify your identity.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (

Design & Development

The website was designed and developed by the agency ELIOTT ET MARKUS